Classic Albums Live: Fleetwood Mac Rumours
Performing 2 sets with the first one being the Fleetwood Mac album Rumours, an intermission and then another set of all Fleetwood Mac hits.
Founded in 2003 by Craig Martin, Classic Albums Live takes the greatest albums and recreates them live on stage - note for note, cut for cut, using the best musicians. “Think of it as a recital,” says Martin, “these albums are historic and stand the test of time.” Forgoing costumes and impersonations, Classic Albums Live has found success in concentrating solely on the music. “We don’t dress up or wear any sort of costume. All of our energy is put into the music. We want the performance to sound exactly like the album,” says Martin.
With 100+ shows a year across North America, Classic Albums Live has seen massive success in performing arts centres and theatres. Fans in Texas, Florida, California, New York and central and east coast Canada have all continued to support the series and make it a sustaining, successful show. “We grew while others withdrew,” says Martin, commenting on the decline of concert ticket sales, “We created something that endures and connects. These albums are sacred to people. We deliver exactly what we promote - ‘note for note, cut for cut’ accuracy.”

fleetwood mac
the very first track of the album
let’s you know that heartache awaits
it’s not easy to fall apart
then sing about it
then have 25 million people buy it
it was therapy
and it paid great
this is a tough album for us to perform
the vocals are tricky
there’s nuance and layering and thunder
and the guitars are orchestral
plus the vibe of the album - the feel
that’s hard to recreate
i wanted the band to move into an apartment together
to prepare for this album, but that didn’t fly
so we rehearsed our asses off
and we got it
what’s cool about this record is that everyone knows all the words
even the ushers at the shows
so when CAL hits the stage and plays this masterpiece
it is joyous, we love you when we’re playing
craig martin
founder, classic albums