
The life long quest of any artist or band is most commonly to accurately represent and replicate his or her surroundings. Like the great musical composers of the classical and renaissance periods, the music was not only a medium of which to hear, but the very fiber by which they lived. In the 1960's and 70's, Southern California became the home of a new slick musical style, comprising of strong instrumental sketches sprinkled with ethereal, political and heart-felt storytelling.
Desperado in Las Vegas, NV, 2011
This blueprint became the standards by which all great groups were measured. Starting with the Beach Boys, and The Byrds, Southern California's own Eagles road this wave of melody, harmony and musicianship to the top of the charts. Although the longest journey begins with the first step, the five talented members of Desperado have set out to resurrect this once prominent blueprint back into the fiber of today's Southern California music scene and to musically demonstrate the fact that imitation is the highest form of flattery.